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Tanbridge House School’s first priority is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of your child. Our comprehensive support for your child begins with our strongly embedded cultural values embodied by our mantra of ‘Care, Kindness and Achievement’.

Pastoral Care

Please use the links within this website to find out more about a wide range of formal pastoral care and provision. In the first instance, you can gain support and advice from your child’s form tutor. Each year group has designated pastoral leaders to provide day to day and longer term support:



Year group Contact details

Leader of Year: Mr Hunt - khunt@ths.uk.net 

Deputy Leader of Year: Mr Puffit - dpuffit@ths.uk.net

Assistant Leader of Year: Mrs H Henderson - hhenderson@ths.uk.net

Senior Link: Mrs MacKay - kmackay@ths.uk.net


Leader of Year: Miss Diton - hditon@ths.uk.net

Deputy Leader of Year: Mr Griffiths - rgriffiths@ths.uk.net 

Assistant Leader of Year: Ms Dyson - tdyson@ths.uk.net 

Senior Link: Mr Loney - sloney@ths.uk.net


Leader of Year: Mr Fairhurst - jfairhurst@ths.uk.net

Deputy Leader of Year: Mr Strudwick -  rstrudwick@ths.uk.net  

Assistant Leader of Year: Mrs MacDonald - cmacdonald@ths.uk.net

Senior Link: Miss G Watson - gwatson@ths.uk.net 


Leader of Year: Mrs A Ryan - aryan@ths.uk.net

Deputy Leader of Year: Mr Stanley - tstanley@ths.uk.net

Assistant Leader of Year: Mrs Butler - dbutler@ths.uk.net

Senior Link: Mr Osmond - mosmond@ths.uk.net 



Leader of Year: Mrs Walker - kwalker@ths.uk.net

Deputy Leader of Year: Mr Fowle - cfowle@ths.uk.net

Assistant Leader of Year: Mrs K Henderson - khenderson@ths.uk.net 

Senior Link: Mrs L Price - lprice@ths.uk.net 


External Support

Our pastoral teams also work with a wide variety of specialist support services. Please look at the information below which provides you with further details and links to such provision. You may wish to access some of the support provided on behalf of your child.

If you are concerned about any safeguarding issues, please liaise with your child’s Leader of Year or our Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Mr Pete Marshallsay – pmarshallsay@ths.uk.net

Pete Marshallsay is also the Senior Mental Health Lead.

Details of our Child Protection Policy can be found on our Policies page.

If you have any concerns relating to the issue of Peer on Peer abuse, advice and support can be gained from Tanbridge House School or the NSPCC - https://www.nspcc.org.uk/ 

You can find further links for external support and guidance for young people on our Student Advice and Support page.

You can find further information about supporting your child(ren) on our Supporting Student Wellbeing page.