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The Tanbridge House School Careers team is dedicated to the universal provision of careers guidance for all students to ensure that they are well prepared for the future.

The careers team works closely with the PSHE department to deliver careers related activities from years 7 through to 11.  



We also run dedicated careers events, which can be viewed in our CEIAG Programme (see below), as well offering appointment-based careers interviews for Year 11 with an impartial careers adviser. Careers interviews for other year groups can be requested by parents/carers or through tutor, teachers or pastoral referral.

All students in all year groups have access to a range of careers, FE, HE & Apprenticeship information & support via their Unifrog account www.unifrog.org. Unifrog is a user-friendly online destinations platform Tanbridge House School signed up to in 2019.

The Tanbridge House School careers team continually review the impact of activities and check progress against the good career guidance Benchmarks, known as the Gatsby Benchmarks, which have been adopted as part of the Government’s careers strategy for schools. These are:

1. A stable careers programme

2. Learning from career and labour market information

3. Addressing the needs of each pupil

4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

5. Encounters with employers and employees

6. Experiences of workplaces

7. Encounters with further and higher education

8. Personal guidance

Careers Programme

Our Careers Team develop our Careers Programme in collaboration with our Senior Leadership Team and Governing Body, and takes into account feedback from students, employers, and parents/carers.

The programme aims to provide our students with the tools, information and awareness they need to help them make the best next steps after they leave Tanbridge.

The programme is reviewed and evaluated regularly, and the date of the next review will be July 2024.

You can also view our Provider Access Policy on our Policies webpage.

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Contact Careers

Mrs Coomber, Careers Adviser, is based in the Careers Office in the LRC. Students can drop in at break times, Monday – Thursday, or arrange an appointment via Tutors.

The Careers Office contains a range of resources for students to look through including college prospectuses, and university prospectuses and apprenticeship information.

Mrs Coomber can also be contacted via email at ecoomber@ths.uk.net or call 01403 755991.