Collective Worship
All maintained schools must provide religious education and daily collective worship for all registered students and promote their spiritual, moral and cultural development.
At Tanbridge House School we believe that collective worship has a crucial part to play in informing and opening up the minds of young people and to challenge some of the stereotypes that pervade society, but which are also often mis-communicated through the media. Collective worship is about the growth of the person, their character and social outlook. It is therefore central to our teaching and provision.
Any activities, such as assemblies, will have at their heart a moral purpose and emphasise our core values of care, kindness, honesty and integrity. The importance of British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith, are embedded in our education system.
Whilst collective worship will be of a broadly Christian character, the importance of all world faiths and different belief systems will be explored and explained (any content will serve to uphold the Equalities Act 2010). Collective worship will allow students to:
• Engage in our community
• Be reflective
• Explore the big questions of life and respond to national events
• Foster mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
Parents and carers have the right to withdraw from Faith, Philosophy and Thinking (FPT) and collective worship. In the first instance, consultation with the Headteacher is requested.
All complaints concerning Religious Education (RE) or Collective worship should be handled via the school complaints procedure.
Revision History
Version: 01
Effective Date: October 2023
Change compared to previous version: New statement
Prepared by: Ms Nikki Kindon, Assistant Headteacher
Next review date: October 2026