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Contact the Governors

Clerk to Governors - Mrs Danni Tresadern    Email: Danni.Tresadern@ths.uk.net

Chair of Governors - Dr Morgan Chambers

All Governors and the Clerk to Governors can be contacted via: c/o Tanbridge House School, Farthings Hill, Guildford Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1SR

If you intend to make a complaint to the Governors, we would draw your attention to the Complaints Policy to follow the correct procedure.  Governors only get involved at the final stage and should not be copied in on any prior correspondence.

If you would like to register your interest in becoming a Governor please contact the Clerk to the Governors, Danni Tresadern. 

No expenses of any kind were claimed by any member of the Governing body in fulfilling their duties in the last academic year.