You know how important it is at school to get 'the basics' right. This includes uniform, attendance, punctuality and care and courtesy.
If you are unsure or have any questions about 'basic standards' you can speak to your tutor or Leader of Year.
We expect all students to:
- Follow the school's Behaviour Policy and basic standards expectations
- Uphold the school’s values of care and kindness; treating everyone in the school community with respect.
- Use common courtesies such as "please" and "thank you," hold doors for others, listen respectfully, respect personal space, wait their turn, and offer help
- Take responsibility and follow instructions the first time
- Remain calm, respectful, and cooperative with staff
- Be on time for tutor periods and lessons
- Not use mobile phones during school hours
- Not use any form of discriminatory language, for example, sexist, homophobic, racist, or sexually suggestive language
- Respect the school environment: not damage property, create graffiti, or litter
- Be ‘ready to learn’, adhering to the correct uniform and appearance expectations and being fully equipped for lessons.
See our Uniform and Basic Standards page for further information.