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What we do

School Governors are volunteers that are democratically elected and represent all areas of the community. This means that the interests of students are at the heart of all that we do.

We care about our school and because of our varied backgrounds we, as a governing body, are the school’s ‘critical friend’. We support the Headteacher and his staff in the running of the school and its policies. At the same time, we bring an independent perspective and try to ensure that the interests of the local community are taken into account.

We are very proud of Tanbridge House School. Whilst a high achieving school already, we work closely with the leadership team to both evolve and improve the school which aspires to be 'Exceptional Every Day':

The main roles of the Tanbridge House School Governing body are:

  • to ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • to hold executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff
  • to oversee financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent
  • work in partnership with the headteacher and his staff to:
    • promote high standards of educational attainment
    • agree the School Development Plan (SDP)
    • approve the annual budget
    • approve a staffing structure
    • monitor a balanced, broad and ambitious curriculum, which includes the national
      curriculum, religious education and age-appropriate relationships and sex education
    • draw up an annual action plan
    • approve school policies
    • ensure the health & safety of students and staff
    • develop the strategic plan for the school, acting as a critical friend and ensuring
    • address parents’ concerns and complaints effectively as per the school's policy

Why we do it

Schools are fascinating places. Being a governor can be very rewarding because you are:

  • Investing in the next generation
  • Using your personal qualities and expertise to help the school, its pupils and staff
  • Developing new skills
  • Acquiring new knowledge
  • Making new friends
  • Developing a sense of partnership and involvement in the community

Interested in becoming a Governor?

 Contact the Clerk to the Governors, Danni Tresadern

Email: Danni.Tresadern@ths.uk.net

Governor Information

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