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Class of 2022 return to THS to celebrate achievements

The Class of 2022 returned to Tanbridge House School this half term to celebrate their achievements during their school life, in our annual Celebration of Achievement Evening, sponsored by EVM UK.

Providing an opportunity to recognise a number of achievements, both academic and beyond, the evening also allowed students to catch up with their peers, old teachers and collect their exam certificates too.

A range of awards were given out on the night, ranging from prizes for excellence in a particular subject to accolades for citizenship, progress or being an exceptional role model.

The top prize of the evening - the ‘Leslie Prize’ for ‘Outstanding academic achievement and contribution to school’ – was awarded to Joshua Crabb (pictured below with Mrs Chambers and Mr Sheridan), whose commitment, work ethic and enthusiasm was commended.

Two awards were also given to staff members, to recognise their outstanding service and dedication to the school. These were awarded by Morgan Chambers, the Chair of Governors, to Pete Marshallsay - Assistant Headteacher, and Paul Williams - Premises Manager.

Mr Fairhurst, Leader of Year, led the proceedings, reflecting on the yeargroup’s time at THS and the wonderful memories that students created together.

Mr Sheridan, Headteacher, said: “It was a delight to attend our Celebration of Achievement Evening and formally acknowledge what a wonderful yeargroup the class of 2022 were. So many students were recognised for, not only academic success, but for their care, kindness and resilience too. I wish all of the students every success in the future.”

Thank you to EVM UK for supporting this event. Thanks as well to the following long standing supporters of our awards:

  • Horsham High School
  • The Rotary Club of Horsham
  • Mr P Tobutt
  • Mr and Mrs Head