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Readathon launched with Read for Good Storyteller

We were delighted to welcome Wilf from Read for Good into school at the start of the half term, in order to launch our annual Readathon with a bang!

Our Readathon sees Year 7 and 8 students encouraged to read as much as possible throughout the Readathon week (24-28 April), and collect sponsorship for every book or page or hour etc that they read. All money raised goes to Read for Good; an incredible charity who provide books and in-person ‘Storytellers’ for children in hospital.

Wilf is one of the charity’s Storytellers, and visited THS to deliver two workshops on storytelling as well as an extended assembly for the whole of Year 9. The workshops encouraged students to work collectively to come up with a brand new story idea that could be pitched to Netflix or similar. Students looked at characters and character types, how to structure stories, and how to operate in a ‘Writer’s Room’ situation.

THS received the visit from Wilf as a thank you for supporting Read for Good and helping to promote the charity in their secondary school promotional video. Read for Good visited Tanbridge for a day towards the start of the academic year to interview staff and students and create a new video designed to show other schools the benefits of running Readathons.

Mrs Dock, who helps to coordinate the Readathon each year, said: “We were thrilled when we were approached to help Read for Good launch Readathons in other schools with their new video, and our students were so excited to star in the film and talk about their experiences of taking part in Readathons.

Our visit from Wilf was the icing on the cake – he really inspired the students in the storytelling workshops and the ideas they came up with were fantastic! Year 9 also enjoyed the story that Wilf delivered in his assembly, and I think the whole experience will help to make this our best Readathon yet!”

Our Readathon ran from Monday 24 – Friday 28 April. The total raised will be confirmed shortly.