Student Voice
At Tanbridge House School we feel it is important to listen to students. Students offer a unique perspective on what day to day life is like at our school.
THS has a strong commitment to student voice, listening to the views, wishes and experiences of the whole school community, including students.
By involving students in many aspects of the school, including decision-making, it creates meaningful change and better academic outcomes, as well as facilitating a sense of empowerment and inclusion.
THS students know that it is safe and important for them to express their views on what happens at school. They know that what they say is valued and will be listened to and considered.
Student Voice is a diverse and inclusive group of around 50 students, and all students are welcome to attend. There is often an overlap in members of our Student Voice group and our LGBTQ+ Alliance, our Eco-Committee and our Equality Council so there is a good opportunity for smaller groups to feed back to Student Voice and vice versa. Meetings are held once a week and students know they can make suggestions about any aspect of school life. The meetings give our student body a voice in areas such as staff recruitment, charity work, environmental issues, surveys and research about their learning and school policies.
In addition, student voice is used to inform our teaching and learning, with regular student conversations providing invaluable feedback as to the quality of education provided at THS. Student feedback informs and shapes the school’s priorities term on term and is often used in staff training.
What does student voice do?
Our Feedback Counts
“We have been asked to give feedback on the work of the Community Wardens in Horsham and suggest things which might make us feel safer in our local area. We have also given feedback on the new ‘Meat Free Monday’ campaign in the canteen and on some big changes such as our new school logo and also our home-school agreement policy.”
Staff Interviews
"In Student Voice we each get the opportunity to interview a potential new staff as part of their interview process. We then give our opinions on them and voice what we thought about them. We usually speak to Mr Sheridan and share our thoughts.
This is not only a good opportunity for students to voice their opinions , but an excellent chance to experience a real interview. This very important because we as students get to have an input on staff members in the school that we interact with everyday. "
Ukraine Support
"We felt that is was important to help anyone who has been affected by the situation in Ukraine and wanted to try raise money alongside sending donations such as nappies, toiletries and baby food. We collected the donations and sorted and labelled them, which was a huge job as we had lots of people bring things in and then they were taken to Poland. It felt good to be able to help others who we see suffering on the news.”