Unifrog brings together all available information into a single, impartial, user-friendly platform that helps students make the best choices and submit the strongest applications. Students can sign in at home however they also have Unifrog sessions during school time (tutor time, in PSHE lessons and during careers guidance meetings). Key features include:
Careers Library – Containing hundreds of role profiles which include up to date labour market information
Subjects Library – Supports students with their college/sixth form subject choices
Quizzes – Personality Profile, Interests & Work Environments – Great starting points for students who would like guidance on their career aspirations
Skills – A tool to help students develop understanding and awareness of their own strengths and how to talk about these
CV Builder
Personal Statement Tool
Search function for apprenticeships and further education
Unifrog is a complete destinations platform that allows students to search for opportunities and make applications for their next steps.
Parents and carers
Parents and carers can also log into Unifrog using a parent code, which can be requested from the Careers department: careers@ths.uk.net
Useful Information