Who to contact
If your query is urgent, please phone the school - 01403 263628. For more information on who to contact regarding student absence, please see our Absence web page. Otherwise, please take a look at the table below in the first instance for guidance on who to contact.
For individual staff contact details, please click here. Please note that staff try to reply to emails as soon as possible.
Issue | Who to contact | How? |
Subject Teacher or Tutor | Phone, letter or email |
Leader of Subject | Phone, letter or email |
Tutor or Leader of Year | Phone, letter or email |
Leader of Inclusion | Phone, letter or email |
Reception - 01403 263628 or office@ths.uk.net |
Phone, letter or email |
COMPLAINT: Generally made when a parent/carer feels the school has not dealt with their concern satisfactorily |
Please refer to our Complaints Policy | Please refer to our Complaints Policy |
STAGES OF CONTACT: (Please try to follow this guide, rather than escalate too quickly)
Please refer to any relevant policies on our Policies page where required. A copy of our Complaints Policy can also be found there, if needed.
If you need to contact the school, please find details on our Contact Us page.